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Town Hall set for Wausau Mayoral Race

Town Hall set for Wausau Mayoral Race

February 26, 2024 2:17 PM CDT

By: Brittney Merlot

WAUSAU, Wis. (WXCO) – Open to the public, candidates Katie Rosenburg and Doug Diny take the stage answering questions, sharing their background and platform next week.

A Mayoral Town Hall will be hosted next week by The Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce and the Wisconsin Institute of Public Policy and Service.

Incumbent Katie Rosenberg and challenger Doug Diny are the candidates on the ballot for Mayor of the City of Wausau in an election to be held on Tuesday, April 2nd.

The town hall will be held on Tuesday, March 5th at 5:30 p.m.

At the UWSP Wausau campus, 625 Stewart Avenue in the Center For Civic Engagement.

The event is free and open to the public.

Organizers say each candidate will take the stage individually. They will be asked a series of questions and will then have the opportunity to share their platform. The purpose of this event is to educate the citizens of Wausau on the candidates and their backgrounds, as they enter into a campaign for the seat of Mayor of Wausau.

The program will be facilitated by Eric Giordano, the Executive Director of WIPPS.

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