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Trying to figure out Tommy Thompson

By Chad Holmes



By Chad Holmes

There are many things in politics that make sense and those that don’t. Earlier this week Donald Trump became the first Republican nominee for President to campaign in Dane County since Bob Dole in 1996. Among the state GOP dignitaries who were there to show their support of the former President were former Governor Scott Walker and 2022 Republican gubernatorial nominee Tim Michels. Senator Ron Johnson is one of Trump’s biggest state supporters. None of those names are surprising. The one state GOP leader that still makes me shake my head for his support of Trump is former four-term Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson. Not only does Thompson support Trump but he was the lead speaker introducing Trump this week in Dane County. Tommy even laughed at the call (and insult) Trump gave when he called to tell Tommy to “get the hell off the stage.”

Why? I keep asking why and finding little in my search for answers. Just a couple of weeks ago Civic Media had plenty of coverage from the Cap Times Idea Fest in Madison. Leading political figures were among the many types of folks who spoke at the event. One of which was Tommy Thompson. After reading what he told the audience at Idea Fest I am more confused on why Thompson, at the age of 82, would make one of his last political battles a fight to get Donald Trump back into the White House. In fact, the reasons he put out at Idea Fest make absolutely no sense.

From a story at that discussed Thompson’s appearance at Idea Fest: “he noted his support for Trump was in part a push to urge his own party to work across the aisle to tackle the serious problems facing Wisconsin and the United States as a whole.” What? If Thompson wants a leader who will urge the current MAGA Republican Party to work across the aisle that person wouldn’t be Donald Trump in any way, shape or form. It’s crazy to think that Trump will change who he is at this late point in his life.

Thompson also, as Civic Media noted in it’s story of the event appearance, “At various points in the evening, Thompson endorsed a range of ideas that might strike the uninitiated as out of character for a Republican.” Some of the ideas Thompson pushed would be laughed out of a MAGA Republican Party meeting. Thompson proposed converting a state prison into a university to give inmates a path to success after incarceration and hiring retired judges to re-try cases within the correctional system with the hope of reducing sentences and freeing people earlier. The GOP and it’s 3rd party allies are putting out disgusting commercials right here in central Wisconsin against 85th Assembly District Democratic nominee Yee Leng Xiong saying he wants to open up all the jailhouse doors to release dangerous criminals. If Yee Leng Xiong made the same proposal as Thompson (which is very much worth consideration) the Republican Party would be spending many thousands of dollars calling him “soft on crime.”

Thompson also finished with a very reasonable statement that would have no favor in Trump’s Republican Party: “There are good ideas from Democrats and good ideas from Republicans,” he said. “In this state and this country … I want you to work as hard as you possibly can for your candidate, Kamala. I’m going to work for my candidate, Donald Trump. But at the end I want to come together because this country has serious, serious problems and we cannot afford to continue to be so partisan and so political that we don’t talk to each other.”

I am still as confused as ever on why Donald Trump is Tommy Thompson’s candidate. Thompson has to know of Trump’s dictatorial tendencies, his racist history, his felony convictions and more. Is it a desperate attempt at relevance? I don’t know. However, I do know that Tommy Thompson has to be held to account for his work, his hard work, to put a dangerous demagogue back in office. Saying he worked with Democrats in the past doesn’t cut it. Thompson is putting party, and maybe himself, above country and it’s a disgrace that should stick to him now and forever.

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